I was asked kind of last minute to do a quick t-shirt design. It is for a bus trip to Baltimore, that is attended by mostly fireman, to go to a Baltimore Orioles game; but in actuality, it turns into an unorganized bar crawl, for most of the attendees. One of its organizers affectionately referred to it as the hell trip. So this year, it has been offically named "Hell Trip"
In my research for ideas and reference I stumbled onto a piece that was kind of cool for clip art. Since I did not have a lot of time to work, I decided to tweek the clip art to make it more... presentable? ...cooler? ...pick your adjective. Anyway, here is the result.

The back was from specific instructions from one of the organizers to put an Absolut bottle that read "Absolutely". So I did and jazzed it up with the flames to match the front.
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